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Points of Pride

1. District Spanish Spelling Bee Champion

Johana Martinez-Rameriz placed first at the school level and placed first at the District Level.

It is important to recognize the experiences and knowledge of all students. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we wanted to celebrate our multilingual students.

2. District and State Science Fair

We are proud to announce that Kassidy Stanley, Joi Leggins, and Valerie Chavez-Reyes earned 1st place honors in their category at the K-5 Science and Engineering Fair held in Milledgeville, Georgia on March 29, 2024.
The girls' project was called "Are the refillable bottle stations sanitary?" They grew germ cultures from samples taken around water fountains. It was well received and earned them 1st place in their category as well as a STEM innovator award at the county level. They continued the success at state level.
This is the first time in over six years that Fountain has represented Clayton County Schools at the state level. This is the first time in 10 years Clayton County Schools has earned a 1st place in state.

3. Fountain Dad’s Read Event

On January 29, Fountain celebrated the third annual Fountain Dad’s Read Event.

Dads and other male figures were asked to read to a child at night for one week and record it on the log during Parent Engagement Month. We are proud to say that Fountain broke its previous record number of participants. 

The event was coordinated by Omar Shakoor and Gabysol Quiroz with help from Ms. Letze, the media specialist, as a way to engage dads and students. Parents play a key role in their child’s education and by reading together for 20 minutes for five days a child is exposed to more than 1.8 Million words. Building reading into your home routine can help spark a child’s imagination and confidence and make the child a reader for life.

4. Stakeholder Dinner

On January 25, Fountain held its first stakeholder appreciation dinner.

Parents were invited to enjoy a wonderful meal while also learning about the importance of attendance. This family style meal was a wonderful time to fellowship and build community in our schools. Thank you to all the parents who attended, and the staff members who worked the event. 

We want to thank Ms. Butler, our school counselor, for planning and hosting our event. Special thanks to Principal Graffree and Assistant Principal Hinton for approving the event and serving at it.

K-2 Spelling Buzz

On November 30, Fountain Elementary held its annual Spelling Buzz. 

In the  Kindergarten round Olmyn Mendez Varado won by spelling “duck” as his winning word. Talaya Williams won the first grade round by spelling the word “mother”. Our second-grade champion was Jireh Glass who spelled “recess.” 

The Spelling Buzz is a spelling bee designed for students in grades K-2. Students are asked to spell words from a sight grade-appropriate word list. This event is not only used to encourage literacy skills but prepare the students for the Spelling Bee format used in Grade 3-5. 

Points of Pride Photo Gallery