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Community In Schools


Communities In Schools is the state’s leading organization providing wraparound student support and dropout prevention using an evidence-based model that places a site coordinator inside the schools to assess needs, build trusting relationships with students, and connect students and their families with needed resources. CIS Georgia is part of a national organization committed to surrounding students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Our unique model places a site coordinator inside the schools to build relationships with students. We base success on our ability to build strong local community partnerships with school administrators, regulatory agencies, businesses and other youth-oriented organizations. Our local CIS sites tailor programs and activities to meet the specific needs of its community and schools. Types of programs include mentoring, parent education, technology training, literacy initiatives and youth leadership development.

Activities such as mentoring, tutoring, reading programs, job skills development, technology training, leadership training and parent involvement have helped kids stay in school, pass to the next grade and graduate with marketable skills.

Learn more by visiting Communities in Schools Website