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Dress Code and Student Handbook

Dress and Grooming Handbook

Dress Code Information Here
Board Policy


2024-2025 Handbook will be posted soon


The Clayton County Public Schools 2024-2025 Parent and Student Handbook is a blueprint for success as it contains valuable information for the parent/guardian and student scholar to ensure success. This success is dependent upon mutual respect and a clear understanding of rights and responsibilities.


The Student handbook contains copies of the Student Code of Conduct, Attendance Policy, Acceptable Use of CCPS Digital Resources, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA), the current school uniform dress code, the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Notice, and Complaints and Grievances Process. 


Please note, it is not possible for this handbook to address all issues that might arise during the school year. Parents, guardians, and student scholars should understand that local school administrators will use their professional judgment based on board policy and administrative rules to make decisions in specific situations not covered in this handbook


In addition to English, this handbook has been translated into Spanish, Vietnamese, and French for your convenience. QR Codes are provided to assist in accessing the 2024-2025 Student Handbook.


2024-2025 Student Handbook (English) 

2024-2025 Student Handbook (Spanish) 

2024-2025 Student Handbook (Vietnamese) 

2024-2025 Student Handbook (French) 

*REVISED* Complaints and Grievances Information (Spanish) (Vietnamese)