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Title I

Title I/Parent Engagement

Title I is a federally funded program under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Federal funds are provided through the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to local educational agencies (LEAs) and designated towards improving the academic achievement of disadvantaged at-risk students, in order to ensure they meet and/or exceed challenging state academic standards. Title I funds are used to provide enhanced learning opportunities to these students and improve communication among all stakeholders.

"In this complex world, it takes more than a good school to educate children. And it takes more than a good home. It takes these two major educational institutions working together."

- Dorothy Rich, Megaskills


Título I   ~ El programa de Título I es un programa financiado por el gobierno federal bajo la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los fondos federales se proporcionan a través del Departamento de Educación de Georgia (GaDOE) a las agencias educativas locales (LEA) y se designan para mejorar el logro académico de los estudiantes desfavorecidos o en riesgo, con el fin de garantizar que cumplan y/o excedan los desafiantes estándares académicos estatales. Los fondos del Título I se utilizan para proporcionar mejores oportunidades de aprendizaje a estos estudiantes y mejorar la comunicación entre todas las partes interesadas. 

"En este mundo complejo, se necesita más que una buena escuela para educar a los niños. Y se necesita más que un buen hogar. Estas dos grandes instituciones educativas trabajan juntas". 

- Dorothy Rich, Megaskills


Virtual Parent Resource Center- Centro Virtual de Recursos para Padres
    Parent Calendar 

What is a parent Liaison?

A Parent Liaison is a person who works to bridge the communication between school and home by helping parents get the information, help and support they need to ensure their child's academic and social success in school.

How can a Parent Liaison help me?

Often, parents feel uncomfortable about sharing their questions or concerns with the teachers or school administration.  Because good communication between home and school is such a vital part of your child's success, the Parent Liaison will listen to your concerns and then work with you to make sure that your situation, question or point of view is expressed and understood.  They will help and support you if you need to find ways to resolve issues that may be hindering your child's success in school.  Parent Liaisons want to be sure that you understand what you can do to get engaged, keep informed, share information, and help your child do his or her best.

Your Parent Liaison can connect you to important information:

*  Kindergarten Registration

*  School Expectations

* GMAS testing

* Contacting Teachers

* Special Education

*Login Infinite Campus

Your Parent Liaison can connect you to available resources/help:

* School Supplies

*Public Library Use

* Parent Workshops

Your Parent Liaison can help you make a comfortable connection with the school:

* Back-to-school Nights

* Calls

* Get help with interpreters

* Parent/Teacher Conferences



This Parents-Guides is available in both English and Spanish. It provides parents with an overview of what their child will learn in Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy. 

Esta Guia para Padres 
está disponible en inglés y español. Proporciona a los padres una visión general de lo que su hijo aprenderá en Matemáticas y Artes del Lenguaje Inglés/Literatura. 

Family Guide English.pdf

Family Guide Espanol.pdf

Instagram @parentliaison10
